Overall Quality
Quality improvement is an ongoing function used to monitor, evaluate and improve overall services for D & M Consultants, Inc. Continuous quality improvement activities hold the responsibility for monitoring all aspects of programming to ensure the agency is meeting individual needs and maintaining high standards.
This review process includes Quality Improvement Plans, agency Safety Reports, and Incident Report Data & Analysis.
Satisfaction Surveys
Satisfaction surveys are distributed to employees, individuals, family members, and professionals annually. The surveys measure satisfaction, quality of services, access, health and safety, and individuals confidentiality.
Quality Reviews
An internal Quality Assurance committee performs internal quality assurance reviews annually.
Compliance and Quality Improvement Specialist
D & M utilizes the services of a Compliance and Quality Improvement Specialist who is responsible for data collection and submitting reports to the Board of Directors, staff, funding sources and other stakeholders. The reports are also available to individuals and the general public.
Risk Management
The agency maintains a Risk Management process that provides continuity and a centralized mechanism for reporting and tracking significant events. This process organizes agency resources to meet potential and cited problem areas.
Physical Site Inspections
All service sites use an outside agency to conduct a minimum of one external safety inspection annually.